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Our vision is a world where we thrive.. Rather than just survive.

Life Beyond Limits

As we all know we were having a double barrel presentation from two excellent healers and betterment facilitators this Sunday at the park area & BBQ facility behind the surfclub at Pambula beach. 11am start. Unfortunately one of our speakers Flor Amanowicz has food poisoning and won’t be able to come down from Sydney…Flor has said she will come down on another date which we’ll look forward to…So we are blessed to have R!k Schnabel from Life Beyond limits giving us a fantastic overview on (NLP) Neuro Linguistic Programming and what it and you can do to help achieve the very best of yourself…

Rick is highly qualified and has had great success helping many people so certainly well worth engaging with…

And we are having a BBQ because we have left over meat and Vego burgers from the fundraiser gig a fortnight ago …so we see this as a great opportunity to share the love and the food…as usual Elisha is prepping up some wondrous things for our yearning stomachs… Pambula market

Was a great success last Sunday with a huge amount of support from the punters…it is clearly obvious a lot of people are waking up or have awakened (I won’t say woken) I really believe lots of people are very suspicious about what is and has been going on but are reluctant to say so to their peers or network of friends… being concerned they would be seen as mad conspiracy theorists…but little do they know the guy over the road feels the same way. During the market we had no negativity only positive responses or just acceptance that we had a right to be there singing our song.. Again a number of Vaccine injured people approached us and lot of people were thanking us..

Tathra Forest of the Fallen

It was likewise a great positive success, Jody was well supported by some of our ladies in the group Neva, Wendy and Bunny, the weather was perfect and the responses positive…This week Jody will be setting up at Pambula beach next to our gathering on Sunday so it should make for a mega day all round. Club Grubbery

Graham Hood & John Larta interviewed local Jab victim Kim O’keefe about the atrocious way she was treated by her workplace and some local medical practitioners… this is a must listen and we are offering support to Kim in her endeavors to join class actions and get some support & acknowledgement from our Local both State & Federal politicians

Bega Food Share

Is on again this Saturday at Kisses lagoon car park from 9;30 till 11am

It is on the first & third Saturday of the Month…bring any produce or things you would like to share, give or swap and become involved in great little scheme that is happening..


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