Howdy everybody yes we are having a Potoroo gathering this Sunday the 17th with our new agenda....
Despite our proposal to have a monthly gathering on the last Sunday of each month it will have been a month this Sunday since the last gathering and if we wait until the last Sunday of this month it is still three Sundays we're going to do it anyway...with our new agenda... 11;30 meeting starts sharp for about an hour or a bit more and then people can have lunch and gather to discuss issues from within the meeting..
Rian will bring everyone up to speed with where we're at with the food survey results which have been very positive with 45 respondents ...we really think it is a priority to get food into the ground...we have opportunities coming up to learn about preserving which will be great...but getting growing we believe is the priority, we are looking for people other than Les & Lee Hawkins who have property they are willing to open up to the group for food growing? and does anyone know of a farmer that sells raw milk? We are trying to get group gardens established in the north/south & western parts of the shire....We have a few sites offered and a few possibilities but are still looking for certainties??
Some basic survey results as follows:
56% want to be involved in a larger community project 76% yes to gardening groups, none said no to this, 24% maybe 57% have existing garden and an additional 15% wish to expand... 44% are keen on workshops...
Also as a result of the survey we have established that there is a need for local social groups where people may want to get together to say garden or meet for coffee or whatever, just socialize together...if that sounds like something you would be interested in then, please reply with your name, phone number and the group area you wish to be included in...
To start off we have grouped these areas:
Candelo/Buckajo/Numbugga/Stoney Creek
Merimbula/Tura/Millingandi/Pambula/P Beach/Locheil/Wyndham/Nethercote/Eden
We may have a beekeeper come to address the group (may not bee this weekend) about the importance of bees in the grand scheme of things and the possibility of people having hives on their properties also we may find out a bit about what is happening with the mite that caused the lockdown's for bees & honey in NSW ...
Here is a post that may shed a bit of light on the situation...
