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Freedom of Truth news July 26

Speak Up for Free Speech – and Against the 'Misinformation and Disinformation' Bill!

As we all are aware

The federal government recently released the draft version of its 'Misinformation and Disinformation' Bill 2023. We are very, very concerned about this proposed law.

It is one of the worst pieces of legislation (in quite a list) that we have seen. It could see the Daily Declaration's end (or severe restriction).

Disturbingly, the government proposes that the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) force digital platforms to monitor and censor content the government deems 'mis-' or 'dis-information'. Meta – the owner of Facebook and Instagram – would be fined $8 billion (5% of their global turnover) a year for non-compliance.

This is an incredible assault on freedom of speech. Meta said the law would have a "chilling effect on free speech." Media Lawyer Justin Quill said the proposal was “the biggest imposition on free speech that I’ve ever seen in a piece of legislation”.

Recently the Daily Declaration has pointed out the severe problems with this proposal, including the dark place legislation like this will take us: an authoritarian, totalitarian government. We do not say this lightly but with heavy hearts.

George Orwell, the author of 1984, made this sombre warning which must be heard: “If you encourage totalitarian methods, the time will come when they will be used against you instead of for you.”

Freedom of speech is a fundamental and non-negotiable human right. George Washington once said, "If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."

Canberra Declaration is so concerned about this proposed legislation that we are running a campaign to speak against this dreadful proposed law. To paraphrase the words of Washington, "Dumb and silent we must not be"!

Here we will take you through the very simple process of making a submission.

On our submissions facility, the wording has been provided. It is important for you to make this submission your own. Simply adjust the wording to do this.

Then, it's simply a matter of clicking 'send' and the rest is done for you! We have made it this easy because we need as many people as possible to send a firm, strong message to parliament that Australians reject this proposed law.

Using our sending facility, submissions will be sent to:

• The Committee who are receiving submissions until 6 August.

• A copy will be sent to the federal senators in your state, and your local federal MP.

Click the green button below to make yours now!

Here also is a link to a petition against the Dissmiss bill put up by CitizenGo please click on and sign it

Addressing Bega Valley Shire Council

Also today I addressed the Bega Valley Shire Council about their supporting UN Agenda 21/2030 principles I highlighted that the UN and WEF have an agenda to bring in a one world government and Climate change is being used as a tool to scare the masses and the planned smart city’s and smart technology is not about making life better for us but rather to control and surveil and enslave us I have forwarded to to each councillor to video to view and have requested some feedback from each of them once they’ve watched them…It is a foot in the door the councillors had minimal to say but welcomed further information…here are the two videos a Rosa Koire agenda 21 video and a video done by Samantha Edwards unveiling the Smart city agenda and a whole lot more

AUSTRALIA its time to Exit the WHO

AusExits Update 25 July 2023

It’s time to hold an inquiry into the W.H.O. amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR).

The recent and proposed changes to the W.H.O.'s IHR pose an existential threat to many values we hold dear. Under these changes to the regulations, the W.H.O. would wield unchecked power. Their decisions would bind all member countries, leaving no room for dissent or autonomy. States of Emergency could be declared at their whim, curtailing our liberties with impunity.

The proposed changes seek to undermine national sovereignty, trample on democracy, and stifle our hard-won freedoms. This danger is real, and it demands our immediate action. Given the potential dire and horrifying ramifications of these proposed amendments, it is time to take a stand and let Parliament know that they need to hold an inquiry into the International Health Regulations.

The best way to do this is by sending an email to the JSCOT secretariat.

We've simplified the process by preparing a letter that you can email the JSCOT secretariat. It's time to step up Australia!

top the WHO takeover by demanding an Inquiry now

New social campaign - Say NO to Albo

Watch our for our new campaign #saynotoAlbo. We are saying NO to censorship, mandated experiments, controlled currency, permanent lockdowns and segregation of our country by race.

Brilliant new video - Got to be Jokin' Albo here

Watch out for the AusExitsWHO interview on Club Grubbery

Tonight an interview on Graham Hood & John Larter's Club Grubbery with Karen, one of our volunteers, will go to air. It covers the W.H.O, the IHR, JSCOT capers, the Misinformation Bill and more.

Our work continues....Just as Britain Exited the EU, Australia Exits the W.H.O.

This Saturday 29th weather permitting Jody will be setting up Forest of the Fallen at Short Point from 8am so please come down and say hello and offer some support…

Jody did last Friday at the Bega Farmers markets at Littlton gardens which was very successful as always…


Here also is a link to an excellent interview with the deputy head of AMPS Aust

Dr Duncan Syme: Channeling anger into a force for good

Co-opted Care

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