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Freedom of Truth news 7/9/24

Council election candidate responses...

After sending out our open letter to all candidates within our four nearby shires Bega Vally, Eurobodalla, Snowy Monaro & Shoalhaven about 10 days ago to approximately 140 candidates.. it is time to collate the responses.

It has been nice to receive some very positive responses from some candidates and some reasonable responses from others and typically and not suprisingly many non-responses from the majority.

I must say absolutely zero responses from any Green candidates or Labor candidates, amazing how the Greens are so passionate about caring for the environment, equality and inclusivity, and climate change hysteria, similarly to their shadow partners Labor, along the same lines...and yet our open latter with all our concerns are not worth even acknowledging.

The best responses we got were from a group in the Snowy Monaro Group F candidates headed by Reuben Rose who along with Stu Mckenzie both rang me and we had a great discussions about the globalist agenda and what is unfolding, apparently all of their group are on the same page and this is the reason for them wanting to stand to make a difference from the grass roots level of government. As they said.. it was a breath of fresh air to receive our letter and encouraging to realise there are plenty of us out there, here is a written response from Stu Mckenzie on behalf of their group...

“Thanks for your time on the phone earlier. It is refreshing to talk to someone who is aware of all the madness. I've signed up for your mailing list. I read through the PDF you attached and it seems we are aligned in all regards.

We are vehemently opposed to vaccine mandates (and the mRNA vaccines themselves!), the COVID madness and lockdowns, smart cities and the broader Agenda2030 / WEF globalist push. We oppose the chemtrails and geoengineering, the politicization of climate change, the push for digital ID's and CBDC's.

Government (including local councils) activities should be public and transparent, while individuals' activities should be private. The Snowy Monaro council budget is completely imbalanced and needs more transparency, accountability and sensibility! We oppose any further rate increases, and instead want to focus on getting "back to basics", starting with a balanced budget.

1. Make council transparent and accountable;

2. Maintain Essential Infrastructure - Back to basics – roads, water and sewage; let’s fix the roads, curb the rate rises and take care of the rubbish;

3. Land Use - Stop rate rises and proposed changes to rural land use strategy. Limit regulation that prevents owners from doing what is sensible on their own land. Limit damaging infrastructure and curb rates.

You can learn more about our principles and policies here: and you can also see articles on our substack:

I appreciate your efforts and it's great to connect. The more we all connect, the stronger we'll be when the next nonsense event comes down the pipe! Hopefully we can get enough awake (not woke!) people elected in this election and effect some material change.


Stuart McKenzie

Group F - Snowy Monaro Regional Council Candidate

Another positive response from a Snowy Monaro candidate was from Group G candidate John Rooney. John wrote..

Dear Fraser,

Thank you for your message. The attachment was brilliantly written and very persuasive. Whoever you guys are, there is some real talent on display.

While I agree with you on Covid, lockdowns, climate change, etc, I'm running for local Council, not chair of the UN. For me, it's all about roads, rates and rubbish.

Our agendas do not really intersect and I suspect that you don't live in Snowy Monaro, so I can't help you. Nevertheless, I enjoyed reading your missive and would be happy to receive more.

Good luck with your campaign to save us from the globalists. Australia first and foremost!


John Rooney

PS: John also said he was against wind farms up on the Snowy Monaro. *We did also get a thankyou from independent candidate Vicki Pollard

Andrew Thaler we all know has been involved with our group over the years, we all know Andrew is on the same page fighting to freedom, independence, true democracy and accountability. Andrew or his group did not respond to our letter but certainly we know he is there for all the right reasons. Andrew’s Group is Group B

Bega Valley Shire candidate responses

The responses from the Bega valley were from Mitchell Nadin, David Porter, Phil Dummett and Russel Fitzpatrick who are all somewhat aware of the WEF, the WHO and the UN agenda 2030 and many of the globalist aspirations, here are their responses..

From Mitchell Nadin

This is a well-written and well-considered piece. You're particularly right about one thing: people are living in a constant state of fear. This is having a huge social impact on young people. Anxiety and depression in our youth is higher than ever leading to less people having children, suicide rate increasing, people feeling helpless (the problem is so big... we're all buggered anyway so what's the point etc) and we're forgetting what life is about and what's important in this world.

Environment should always be at the forefront of our minds when making decisions at council but we must be careful that we don't rush to failure trying to help and just make things worse.

It's also true we must be aware of this doomsday attitude sneaking into council planning. I don't mind increasing density in parts of the shire but there's a reason people move to the bega valley - they want space and freedom and to live among nature. Not move from an apartment in Sydney to an apartment in Merimbula.

We must get better at managing our land. Fires have always been around and will always be around. Managing land and preparing our homes - like your business does - is the way we can mitigate impacts. I'm very cautious of increasing regulations on home designs though - this is contributing to an overall increase in home prices, leaving many people unable to purchase a home because they're unaffordable.

We must also be careful about protecting prime agricultural land from development. We know bugs and grubs for protein isn't the future of healthy living. Meat - ideally organic, free-range meat - is essential for a healthy population. I'm glad I live in an area that has access to this.

I do believe AI is a threat but could also be useful for things like processing DA applications. This is a healthy use of the technology in my opinion. Managing and limiting AI in our lives is going to be very important as it becomes more prolific in the next ten years.

Lastly, I think it's really important that we keep political parties out of local government. I have no desire for Sydney to be in even more control of my life. Their toxic city/global thinking will contaminate our local area if we start on this track.

Anyway thanks for the letter. I haven't watched all your clips - I will when I have more time - but I hope your group will consider voting for me as Mayor and preferencing David Porter.

You know I know how to fight and stand up for people when needed. And this is something I could do effectively as mayor. Let me know if you have any more questions.

You can find a little bio about our councillor group - Group A - on


From Russel Fitzpatrick

Thanks Fraser-

As you know I have read most of the things you refer to. When I ran for the State Election it was because that I supported Dom Perrottet position around lockdowns and that vaccinations should not have been mandated. I can assure you I take no notice of the World Economic Forum in my roles.



From Phillip Dummett

Hi Fraser,

Thanks for your info, I am well aware of all you are saying and see it is Quite obvious if you have an open Mind, I am a person who is a Cycle Change person that has watched changes in my 68 years in the Verona,

Quaama area and seen many Changes Repeat itself.

Phillip Dummett

David Porter

David wanted his response kept confidential from the broader public as he had concerns about other political party groups in the election fabrication false information about him.

He did support and had awareness of the issues we expressed, he indicated having worked around the world and becoming aware of globalist elitists manipulation and control, he expressed interest in our group and the work we do. He says he takes careful consideration as to what possible motivations lay behind any issue and the ramifications of any decision, even at a council level he sees agendas being pushed that are not in the interest of the community.

He is happy to receive any updates to issues that may come to our attention especially if they relate to a council decision. He thinks Mitchell Nadin has a broad understanding of these issues but the rest of councillors in the last term responded negatively to the presentation I made at the council public forum last year so he believes they are not aware of these issues.

The rest of the Bega Valley Shire candidates not so much as a response.. Farmer Tony Allen’s email bounced back so I sent him a text message asking him to check his email or give me another address, but no response ...hmm so why would you bother with someone who can’t be bothered ...been there too long, perhaps time to be put out to pasture.

Eurobodalla Shire candidates

We got a single good response from Michelle Hamrosi from the Mayne Group D..

Dear Fraser and the Freedom of Truth Group,

Thank you for reaching out and for your dedication to improving the lives of those in our community by sharing information that your group believes to be important. Much of what you share is beyond the control of a local government; however, we are committed to responding in ways that best serve our community while keeping ourselves informed of the broader geopolitical environment we find ourselves in, in 2024.

Our team is focused on building a more cohesive and resilient community in response to these challenges. We are proud to say that our team is free from wealthy developer donors, unaligned with political parties, and fully

community-funded. We have consistently stood up for those whose voices often go unheard or those being railroaded by Council executive decision-makers without community consultation.

For more information on our range of policies please visit our website:

Kind regards,

Michelle Hamrosi on behalf of the Mayne Team


We had a very positive response from a candidate in Group D from Ward 2 being Tim Cochrane a dairy farmer who is fully awake and another colleague Zeke Lorenz in the same group is also fully aware.

I had a call from Tim he was rapt to receive the letter and also indicated the leader of their group Jemma Tribe was anti jab & mandates and was open to all the rest of the info provided.

I did also get this response from independent group member from Ward 1..

Brett Steele

Hi Frazer,

Thank you for reaching out to me. I am interested in meeting to discuss the issues raised in your Email dated Fridy 30/08/2024 regarding the WEF, UN, WHO and the 2030 great reset.As the elections loom closer it would be great if we could catch up maybe early this week if that is suitable to you.

Kindest of regards Brett Steele

I did respond suggesting a phone call would be good ... but no response

No-one else in any of the shires responded, all asleep at the wheel, WTF. Can you blame them?

I don’t know, ignorance is not knowing.. plenty of reasons as to why that is.. As we know most people are just brainwashed by the indoctrination from everything within our madhouse world, especially coming from controlled governments and mainstream media, or whether it is because they don’t want to know or more likely just haven’t opened their eyes or minds..

As the saying goes “The eyes are useless if the mind is blind” it is a slow process but we are getting there because once the eyes and mind come together and can see, nobody goes back to sleep...our numbers are growing.

So please make you own judgements on who to vote for and I hope this exercise helps a bit.. And thanks to those candidates who did responds you get my vote.

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