The markets last week at Candelo were more confronting than usual because this time we had a couple of somewhat provocative Vote No to the Voice placards on display and some handout flyers developed by some of our members from up Narooma way… and we knew there were going to be a significant group from the Yes side coming along as well… so we were for armed.
The army of pro Yes voters were there and grew steadily as they were dishing out & wearing Tee shirts and government sponsored propaganda .. So the subject was quite front and centre of conversation for the day, with many of them parading around with sign as well… but despite this we had significant support, it is an issue that it put there to create division as we know so we have to remain circumspect as to how we deliver our multiple messages about the grandiose big picture globalist plans otherwise we do easily get labelled as a bunch of nutters.
We had a good market overall and as usual Forest of the Fallen drew a lot of attention. So this week we are going to do it again at Pambula, come along..
Flyers & newspapers
I have ordered 1500 flyers from Roobs Flyers which look good and only cost $65 delivered to the door
Other than doing the markets, i think we can do letterbox drops which is a very non confronting method of getting the word out there…it may be that we get a whole lot more… we are also getting 500 copies of the latest The Light newspaper for $110 again very cheap and a great method of getting the word out there… We were getting some Te shirts but we’ve just held off on those for a while…not many people wearing tee shirts in winter (hidden underneath jumpers etc) but we will get some and people can buy them.
As mentioned last week Potoroo is struggling financially and are desperate for any support we can muster.
How about becoming a personal sponsor of an animal and say pay whatever you can per week or month to support the animals… If you are willing to give a (tax deductible) donation, Alexandra will send you a different story and photograph of one of their animals each month, while thanking you for supporting them.
This is by FAR the best way we can help them….every little bit goes a long way particularly during these quieter months.. Otherwise just any donation is welcome..
Bank details: Bendigo Bank, BSB 633-000
Account number: 138414289
Name of Account: Potoroo Fund
Ministry of Truth
The government in Australia just like what is happening in the US and most other countries are looking to introduce draconian controls over free speech. They are further wanting to determine what the public gets to know about…by preventing public access to what they deem as mis & disinformation, breaching our human rights to free speech…So of course we can believe it just as it is written in George Orwell’s 1984 such control measures are imperative in introducing the full communist new world order one world government control system..
Here is a link to an excellent overview of what is proposed and what we can do about it by Peter Fam
Here is a link to a short video speech by Senator Ralph Babet about the bill being proposed have a listen
Interestingly just the other day in the US on Tuesday, the Fourth of July, a federal judge in Louisiana kicked the Biden administration's censorship complex in the teeth - ruling that federal officials (with limited exception) can no longer communicate or collude with big tech companies to censor "protected speech." The order prohibits Biden officials from "collaborating, coordinating, partnering, switchboarding, and/or jointly working with" key academic groups behind various censorship campaigns, including the Election Integrity Partnership, a coalition of researchers led by the Stanford Internet Observatory and the University of Washington Center for an Informed Public. This a win for free speech in the US but is only the start and we need to fight hard here in Australia to show how much we value our ability to have free speech…so have your say on this bill.
Here is an ACMA FORM link for Australians to respond to, with our own comments - but must be in before 6th August 2023.
Tankred Mueller’s Service
Our great friend Tankred’s funeral service is being held at the crematorium in Wolumla at Clavering Park Chapel this coming Monday at 2pm, 428 Candelo-Wolumla Rd, so for those who were touched by him as an awake person and very much in support of our cause the opportunity is there to show your respects…I would imagine a lot of people will be there as he was a wonderful character.
Looking for a site to put a trailer tiny home
A freedom fighter in Cooma is hoping to move to the coast and is looking for somewhere where she can rent a space to put a trailer Tiny home on it somewhere in our area, so if anyone has such a site or knows anyone who potentially does please let us know..