The call out is on to spread the word to every far flung nook and cranny about the Port Hedland Shire Councils resolution to alert all councils throughout Australia of the horrific DNA contamination found by independent scientific researchers (particularly Dr David Speicher’s contamination report Contamination report) and from many other parts of the globe.

Every day more substantiated evidence is coming to the fore, but as to be expected from a corrupted organisation like our TGA they claim these studies are false information, but clearly they are not...the TGA have been found to have not undertaken up to date methodology in their analysis... the evidence is huge and undeniable.
The Port Hedland shire resoundedly resolved to alert all councils throughout Australia of these alarming findings, and this resolution is the responsibility of their CEO to undertake, but after about a week or so some of the councillors had tried to find out from the CEO how he was going carrying out his duty, only to discover he was not responding to them...He’d gone very quiet and apparently is leaving his position.
One or some of the councillors recognised this as a real problem in getting the info out in a timely manner or even at all. They also realised the “resolution” was to alert all “councils” but not specifically to alert “all councillors” of this information, this potentially lead to the distinct possibility the info may not be disseminated to the councillors by each councils upper management.
So a big job was undertaken by councillor Camilo Blanco who seconded the motion and various fighters on this case including Julien Gillespee , Rebecca Barnett and Ashley Coppens and others to prepare and send out the information to each and every councillor throughout Australia, all 4100 of them.
The letter was to be sent not on the council letter head but on a private letter head of the particular councillor Camilo Blanco putting his name to it, being a councillor and concerned citizen of Port Hedland.
This got sent out on the 23/10/24 to all councillors Australia wide... so over the past few days I have been in touch with two separate councillors, one from Bega Valley & one from Snowy Monaro who have not seen anything from Clr Camilo Blanco or Port Hedland shire council.. This is disturbing as it means the emails are perhaps being filtered or screened upon arrival and then perhaps considered spam or junk?? WTF
So this being the case, it perhaps means a lot of councils and councillors may not be receiving this important information,
So I have followed the steps of the wonderful Port Hedland Motion website developed by members ACA (Aligned Council Australia) and used their template covering letter, just modified it for our group and each council location and sent it and all the relevant documents to all councillors in 7 shires within our broader proximity.. And pleasingly I have received acknowledgement from councillors of both Snowy Monaro and Bega Valley of receiving them and some generic responses from other council areas.
I think everyone needs to push hard with this issue as it is a national grassroots campaign of awakening local government to this debacle.
Please click on this fantastic website and use the tools provided to also get the message out there. Post the covering letter from our group which I’ll attach or Camilo Blanco’s letter onto social media sites and share the Substack’s that keep coming up each day.

Send this information to our local doctors putting them on notice is important as well... we must do this in the nicest possible way without being threatening, just informing them of liability that will exist if they choose to ignore the info..
Below is a link to a PDF printable version of a letter you may wish to print and deliver personally to Doctors and chemists.. Alternatively, you can write up your own :)
Here is a letter you can copy and paste to health practitioners you can email in reference to DNA contamination findings.
Just use a search engine to find the emails of your local practitioners. Health direct will tell you which ones administer the COVID shot.
Dear Health Practitioners,
In response to the Port Headland Council emailing all their local health practitioners, the Prime Minister, local councils and health Ministers, with some important information that has come to light. I have taken the time to share this same information with you, as it concerns all Australians. I will quote the letter here:
"Re: Urgent Information Regarding DNA Contamination in COVID-19 Vaccines
I write on behalf of the Town of Port Hedland to bring to your immediate attention a report:
by Dr. David Speicher PhD, which presents disturbing findings of synthetic DNA contamination in Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines.
Dr Speicher’s report reveals that the DNA contamination levels in these vaccines exceed Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) limit by up to 145 times. Furthermore, the Pfizer vaccines contain SV40 promoter-sequences, which are well known for facilitating genomic integration and amplifying cancer risk.
The Town of Port Hedland Council acknowledges the letters
The Honorable Russell Broadbent MP, dated 20 September and 25 September 2024 which were co-signed by over fifty of the world’s leading Doctors, Professors, Scientists and Legal Experts from Europe, North America and Australia. We extend our gratitude to Mr. Broadbent for raising awareness of Dr. Speicher’s critical findings.
Moreover, after reviewing the Science Summary attached to Mr. Broadbent’s letter 25 September 2024, we are gravely concerned about the health implications posed by synthetic DNA contamination, including the dangers of genomic integration, cancer, hereditary defects and immune system disruption.
The Town of Port Hedland Council has contacted the Prime Minister, joining Mr. Broadbent in calling for the immediate suspension of these vaccine products and a full investigation into how this contamination went undetected by Australia’s regulatory bodies. In the meantime, we believe it is vital that this DNA contamination information is communicated to patients considering the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, so they can determine their own legally valid informed consent.
Should you have any further questions or require clarification, we recommend contacting both State and Commonwealth health authorities for guidance on the information presented here.
Here is a link the council meeting that took place on the 11th of October 2024:
I will provide you with a link to the following important documents on Russell Broadbent MP's website for your perusal, which include:
- Russell Broadbent MP's Letter to the Prime Minister.
- Dr. David J Speicher’s report.
- A science summary including consequences of DNA contamination.
- A supplement to the science summary.
View documents here:
Now that you have been informed, I urge you to exercise your duty of care. I will keep a record that I have informed you of this information.
Yours sincerely ....................................
Email sent though from Barbara Mavridis
Dear All,
I’m reaching out to you from my heart, with an urgent request for support. The Port Hedland Council has bravely agreed to share potentially life-saving findings: Australian COVID-19 vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna contain synthetic DNA contamination up to 145 times above safe limits, posing severe health risks like immune damage, cancer, and genetic issues.
This is deeply personal for me. I lost my dear mother shortly after her vaccination and just months ago, my best friend to a horrific death from a fast-spreading cancer. I carry this pain every day and live in fear knowing my own children trusted the system and got vaccinated too. We can’t ignore this anymore. We have to make it public.
The Port Hedland Action Group has taken every step to share these findings across Australia to all councils and councilors. A website, Port Hedland Motion was build, the message was sent direct outreach programs, and have employed one of the best PR professionals to deal with the backlash we know will come from the Main Stream Media and Government institutions, but mainly to get this information to the Australians who are not aware of any of this.
To keep the message safe from censorship, a direct, transparent bank account was set up, instead of public platforms like GoFundMe, which have shut down similar efforts before. Every donation you give will go directly toward getting this information out to every Australians. Without your financial help this cannot be achieved.
Please, donate whatever you can afford and share this message widely. Send it by email, by sms by private socials. Use your own personal stories of pain and suffering when you share this with your contacts. Every dollar and every story and share counts.
Bank Account DetailsAccount Name: PHACAGBSB: 633 000ACC: 216 550 046When you are sharing your stories, please Cc the group as well on
With heartfelt thanks, Barbara Mavridis Port Hedland Action Group

Local group member and Naturopath Rian Smith
Recently Rian did a presentation to the combined peoples health alliance of Australia & New Zealand, questioning whether certain supplements could be doing more harm than good.. this presentation was very well received by many and Rian is likely to do more...have a listen (Rumble link below)
We welcomed Rian Smith to Wellness Wednesday on 9 October to speak to us about how our supplements may not be as good for us as we are conditioned to think.

This was a very thought-provoking presentation which proposed a new way of thinking about our health, and especially about ill-health. Rian spoke to us about the current paradigm of "a pill for every ill" and "pop and chop" (to share a couple of the phrases she used). She proposes that this is the way we've been conditioned to think, and the information she shares in this recording may help us, if we choose to question our beliefs, to begin the deprogramming and deconditioning process, and to see our bodies' healing abilities in a new light.
You can watch the recording on our PHA Aus Rumble Channel - wellness-wednesday-with-rian-smith-could-your-supplements-be-doing-you-more.html
For more info about Rian and her business see her website
Letter from Wordsmith Bruce George
Here is a letter from one of our regular wordsmiths Bruce George for your consideration, Bruce is an excellent wordsmith who taught writing (wordsmithing) among other things ,
Bruce has a huge wealth of knowledge and way with words like many of you out there, it is a privilege and an honour to know and associate with you all..
Trust - justified or Misplaced?
How many deaths will it take “til we know, that too many people have died. The answer is not “blowin in the wind” but very clearly enumerated in the statistics.
Both here in Australia and overseas the statistics tell a clear story of unprecedented increases in deaths during 2021, right after the rollout of the m-RNA injections.
Injections which the previous Government claimed were “safe and effective” while the TGA claimed that all vaccines were subject to rigorous testing, except that then USA President Trump, on the advice of then head of the US NIHID, said the testing regime could skip animal testing, and with warp speed be rolled out to humans instead.
Edward Dowd has noted a 40% increase in deaths among fit and healthy working adults in the USA. These people didn’t miss any health checkups for existing conditions because they didn’t have any existing conditions.
Neither did iconic Australian cricketer Shawn Warne or many other Australians who have died suddenly on the field or in bed asleep.
Too many Australians have already died as have too many UK and USA citizens died for no apparent reason, except for the obvious reason that they had a dangerous injection that was claimed to be safe and effective and to save lives.
But here is the fact that must be faced and acted upon. In 2020, the years of the pandemic ABS data show that death by all causes continued a downward trend with 8000 fewer Australians dying in 2020 than in 2019. But by the end of 2021 that trend had been completely reversed with an increase of 15.1% in Deaths by all causes in Australia.
The one and only explanation for this complete reversal of the trend is a new technology that was giving to the vast majority of Australians without long term studies that might have given a clear indication of the danger that was hidden in the vial.
It is time to act now! When the flood of deaths becomes a tsunami no belated action will be sufficient.