Sound of Freedom Movie
As of today the Sound of Freedom is premiering in various locations throughout Australia and two of them are on our doorstep the Kinema in Narooma and The Picture Showman in Merimbula. It appears they will be showing for a week or perhaps longer, the Picture show is running two showings daily 2pm and 7pm. Some of us tomorrow night are going to go and have dinner at Club Sapphire and then go and watch the movie, for those available and interested come and join us or get there when you can and watch this benchmark movie.
This Sunday starting at 11 am sharp we are having an address from Stina Kerans founder of Sunvillages and also an initiator of establishing Lets in the US i believe. Stina really has a lot to offer, her main focus is helping people understand what options they have in divesting from the current financial systems of banks etc, where bail in laws can create havoc and returns on investment don’t exist. Stina says…”I really want to connect up with more people who wish to 'act' to get the bulk of their money out of the system.
I'll talk a little about the financial controls, and how the Sun Villages movement is structured to assist people to 'land-bank'. We need to acquire land as part of forming a parallel society to retain our freedom - not to escape the system!
In every crisis there is opportunity - but only together can we take steps to improve the quality of our lives (and protect ourselves if required)
I'll also talk a little about why we need two complementary currencies - a yin and a yang, (what the difference is between them) and more!
If people want to be informed beforehand so that they can make more use of the topic by asking questions - then get the free booklet Great Financial Reset off the website: https://sunvillages.com.au
I would also really like some discussion on the financial aspects of forming an ark - what are people doing down your way?
On Monday 28th the Narooma group is going to visit the Kianga Homestead in Narooma. Anyone seriously interested in becoming a part of a community forming there is welcome to join us”
Jeff Hawkins may also be bringing us up to speed on where he’s at with the Yuin tribal nation proposal
Remember for Potoroo to bring a chair or banket to sit on….hopefully the sun will be out, if it is untoward we will go inside the Cafe
LETS Meeting info from Rian & Chris
Last week some of us met with a view to rebirth the local LETS scheme. Thanks to those that came along, amongst the six attendees the tinfoil hat brigade was very well represented LOL. Now it is time to build momentum.
What we are seeing now is most likely the front end of the financial system (orchestrated) collapse. We can create a buffer zone for ourselves by using a trading system so that we can ride out the transition AND THRIVE rather than survive. Our region is rich in resources, skills and good people so let’s not let a little cash flow issue spoil our fun. We live in an abundant universe and now is the time to create abundance for all.
A Sovereign currency provides a parallel system for when the banking system crashes; given that the internet may not always be available either it will be at that time that a system like LETS will be imperative. Imagine, a system of trading skill, time and energy (even internationally) without the restraints of dirty money.
The old must be removed before the new can take its place. It is a Natural Law, any vacuum will be filled….and in order to achieve sovereignty we must level up and fill the vacuum with a heart and people centred system.
How LETS will transition through the “Time of Transition” is unknown, however, it is the transition between now, and what's coming, where we need to have things in place for the wider community.
Check the link below to better acquaint yourself with how LETS works. We may well revamp the website, establish a Telegram group and FB page so lots of different ways to get involved. We need lots of tin foil thinking caps!!!
We will meet again on Friday 1st Sept at 11am in Littleton Gardens (at the markets), weather permitting, otherwise at the Peanut.
Topics to discuss; an AGM to elect new office bearers, committee members, promotion etc.
So please come along if you want to see this fly, the more support and ideas we have, the easier it will be to make it something that benefits the entire Bega Valley.
Is the World falling apart ?
Oh! Here is a webinar R!k Schnabel from LifeBeyondlimits.com.au did where he broached the big picture issues at hand globally that had some people falling off it as he spoke – not everyone likes to hear the truth:
Dr Sanjeev Sabhlok: An economist reviewing public health from first principles Co-opted Care
Below is a link to an excellent podcast interview with Dr Sanjeev Sabhlok. Sanjeev is an economist and former civil servant from India. He obtained a doctorate in economics in 1999 from the University of Southern California before moving to Australia, where he has mostly worked as an economist in the Department of Treasury and Finance in Victoria.
In September 2020, Sanjeev resigned from his role in the Treasury, loudly protesting against the Daniel Andrews government's refusal to conduct a cost-benefit analysis or risk assessment for what ultimately became the world's longest lockdown in Melbourne, Australia, under the state's COVID-19 policies.
Sanjeev's blog: https://www.sabhlokcity.com/