Combined group meeting in Narooma just past
The gathering was a great success with an excellent turnout of over 40 attendees. It was a beautiful day in paradise without any strange clouds or lines in the sky, just sunshine and a room full of enthusiastic people all in the same boat looking for answers and ways forward into the light out of the theatrical shit show that is being played out in the mad house world around us...lucky it is only a show and we can switch it off as much as possible and only engage when it is deemed to our advantage..
A special thanks to Marilyn Vine for organising the event. Steven Lymbery gave us all a bit of education regarding our legitimate Constitution of 1901 (Commonwealth of Australia) which was developed over a 10 year period involving over 55 of the most brilliant minds Australia will ever know, designed to provide a platform for which our country could operate with fairness protection and equity for all its people, securing Freedoms & Liberties for all.
But sadly as we know over the ensuing time our contstitution has been replaced with the corporate false Australia Act (Australian Commonwealth) which came into play without legitimacy in the 1980’s and prior to and since then any number of illegitimate changes including in the judicial system have been put in place, politicians not swearing any legitimate oaths, basically more of a schimozle than boy scouts... Nothing is being done with ligigtimacy anymore..
Steven suggests that becoming informed is the best way to go at this point of time because the system is so bent that trying to hold your own without a great deal of support and knowledge will only end you up being targeted and made an example of. When the numbers and knowledge base is large enough then the opportunities will present themselves to resist and defy...learning is the key at this time.
Steven will give us more of a talk at the next meeting and for those wanting to learn more he is extremely well versed in Common law & the Constitution. For further information go to his website www.lore.solutions or email stephen@lore.solutions.
Wendy Daniel presented her 2 books
Being her 4th edition version of Vaccines Myths & Facts which is a go to book for anyone questioning the efficacy of vaccines in general, a simple easy to read book perfect for those who have never given vaccines any serious consideration but may be looking to start a family and hopefully will want to be informed.
Also her most recent book done with assistance from Naturopath Lee Clarke.
Detox after Covid & Thrive
This book puts its emphasis on helping vaccine injured people with great descriptions of all the organs in the body and what natural nutrients & minerals are required to keep them in good order, it helps you understand how to develop a strong immune system and it also provides a series of protocols people could consider that have been very successful in helping people overcome injuries from the jab, the book is being officially launched at...
Potoroo this coming Sunday 28th July
11 am kick off and don’t forget to bring a fold out chair or a rug to sit on. We are also being blessed with Zac Kelly a renound freedom fighter singer songwriter who will be here especially for the book launch, he will also be performing the day before at the Forest of the Fallen display Jody McKenzie and friends will being holding at the grassy public space next to the Waterfront café in Merimbula throughout the morning ... Zac will then on the Monday night be performing up in Narooma.
Zac is a master musician and has been performing for many years so be there or be square https://www.facebook.com/ZacKellyMuso?mibextid=LQQJ4d
Jim Frederick who does the Forest of the Fallen in Shoalhaven has been busy up there as well his last display being in Berry and this week he is heading north to the south side of Sydney.. Nth Cronulla with some indigenous friends to do a large FOF with support from others up ther as well, Jim does an awesome job commemorating and respecting those who have suffered or passed away.
For those who are interested and may want to be a part of it call Jim on 0418 976 750

Here is a poem from a jab injury patient of Dr Pierre Kory’s
We’re Not Invisible
We’re not invisible
We’re here in plain sight
You just refuse to look
And understand our plight
We suffer in silence
As you smother our voice
We trusted the fraud
And made the wrong choice
Some of us have perished
Some of us remain
Those who have been damaged
Will never be the same
Those who have been injured
And in constant pain
These are the people
You seek to blame
You knocked us off balance
With jabs and gaslighting But we remain steadfast
And we’ll keep on fighting
We’re not invisible
We’re just not recognized
When even friends and family
Leave us feeling ostracized
You still flood the channels
With those deadly lies
As the losses mount
Before our eyes
With your mainstream madness
You deceive with impunity
While only the manufacturers
Are receiving immunity
You’re on the wrong side of history
The wrong side of humanity
The wrong side of morality
And the wrong side of sanity
We stepped into a nightmare
That will not end
But we’re resilien
tAnd we will not bend
When the poisoned apples offered anew
We won’t take a bite
No more witches brew
We’re not invisible
We have names and faces
Yet It seems like you would
Rather erase us
And another one ...
Censorship is a cruel prison
Censorship is a cruel prison
It is solitary confinement of the mind and soul
This is a weapon wielded by tyrants
Suppression of expression is their goal
The gears of democracy have ground to a halt
The Liberty bell needs to start pealing again
Free speech now under attack can’t be heard in a vacuum
And you can’t stand against oppressors while kneeling to them
Thoughts kept under lock and key shackled by fear and doubt
We’re living in an Orwellian dystopia
Under the guise of protection, they crush dissent
And the circus plods on masquerading as utopia
The First Amendment, once venerated and cherished
Is now assailed, tarnished, and denigrated
Locking down communication has proven deadly at times
Openness of thought and speech is key and should not be abated
Sharing ideas that enlighten the masses
Is no longer permitted in the town square
Social media soundproofing is used to filter out logic
And punish those for the crime of being aware
Erosion of soil makes the ground less fertile
It’s difficult to grow crops when nutrients are depleted
Erosion of free speech makes communication futile
Corporate media curates what info gets repeated
It’s time to remove the verbal straitjackets
The truth is safe and effective and must be pursued
Decide for yourself what is and isn’t real
Examine facts and see what you conclude
Your curiosity is a path towards wisdom
Be inquisitive, constantly seek to light that spark
But like an old creaking door slowly closing shut
The powerful few want to keep the rest of us in the dark
The steady stream of gaslighting and lies must be challenged
The information overlords cannot plug every hole
Speech cannot be protected if it isn’t allowed to be heard
Defeating these new censorians has to be our role
Council Elections 2024
Reminder about the upcoming local Council elections which are being held on the 14th September...nominations have to be in by the 14th August which is about 3 weeks away
As we know these are critical times..
We have very strong chances of getting candidates elected as there is a huge amount of dissatisfaction throughout the communities regarding the massive costs imposed on the ratepayers and the very little that we get for it, the substandard roads and degrading public infrastructure, plus the affordable housing and lack of longterm rental availability for people ...if the song is sung about bringing about efficiencies and getting back to the core responsibilities of council and focusing on addressing these fundamental issues there is a great chance of pulling a lot of votes, secondly but not least we have a significant amount of people who are keen to push back on the climate change agenda and the UN agenda 2030 doctrines.. There are enough freedom fighters in each shire to elect at least 1 or 2 candidates...the last councillor elected in the Bega Valley Shire at the last election got in on 1000 votes including preferences and this is very achievable, we should seriously consider it.
Costs involved ...I am sure some crowd funding would get it covered lots of people on our side of the fence keen to help, but time is of the essence 3 weeks before nominations...
Pushing back from the grass roots level of government is a good place to start.. Certainly, the States Government have their agendas and they like it when councils fall into line, but if the elected councils and community don’t like something it is very hard for the state to do anything about it... It starts with the will of the council.
It is a great opportunity to start educating these councillors and bureaucrats who just follow along in their comfort zones not realising the damage being done and where we’re heading..
The next opportunity will be at the end of 2028 when the next election occurs if it hasn’t been abandoned for some season.. Now is the time..
We need good candidates please consider..
