Combined group gathering...last Sunday saw representatives from various groups up and down our south coast strip come together for the 3rd of such gatherings to chew the fat and eat some lunch in the beautiful vista of the Narooma golf club.

A good representation of people attended perhaps 40 or more with many people putting forward their ideas of where we should be heading and how to overcome the globalist agenda. Such things as the suggestion to get out of the globalist controlled banks who are either closing branches or heading down the cashless path to instead change over to community run or focused banks.
It was highlighted that silver is going up in value steadily at the moment - as gold is as well - but silver looks like really doing well...some information provided below for those interested to analyse further.
Also it was expressed, there are answers in being empowered with knowledge of Common Law and being able to remove yourself from your strawman legal fiction under maritime law. This is a rabbit hole that is well worth everyone going down to get an understanding of the great deception perpetrated upon us from birth.
At the same time it was pointed out that the “illegal” authorities asserting themselves upon us couldn’t give a hoot about what’s constitutional, legal, legitimate or otherwise, they disregard that anyway as they are never held to account. So we need to be prepared to stand up in force and pushback when required.
It was also emphasised we need to not get caught up on dwelling on all the negatives but rather focus and manifest positive outcomes, raise our vibration to step out of the dark and into the light.
This is very true as despite what’s going down, we are still living in an amazing world full of natural wonders and wonderful people all trying to make their way.
This clash between those who seek control and those who want freedom has been going for a longtime and has a way to go yet whilst we’re at it we must remember to smell the roses and appreciate all that is good. The other negative stuff is good to know, as knowledge is power, but life needs to be lived & enjoyed.
As part of the meetings we’ve had we recognise the need for people to be able to deliver their stories, as everyone is on a similar path wanting the same end goal but at various differing parts of their journey. Obviously what is of most importance to one person may be entirely different to others, so as collective group we have to show respect for all views and encourage all to engage and be valued, which I think is what we’ve been doing and was evident at the meeting on Sunday.
Next big regional group gathering will be in the middle of July.
Attached below is group member Garry Keran’s take on how he saw the meeting which is interesting and has some good points.
Upcoming Innovative Traders 4 day Harmonic Leadership workshop
Will be on in Narooma on 19th – 22nd June run by James Greenshield. This workshop is free of charge as it is a gift to people committed to community building...James is an expert at helping people grow better together. I suggest this workshop will be of great value for those who genuinely want to be a part of building the alternate parallel living system, so for those who can do the 4 days well and good but if not don’t be perturbed as you can engage as much as you can maybe 2 days maybe 1 ...
Day 1 “Me as a leader”
Day 2 “Unifying our team”
Day 3 “Amplifying our effect”
Day 4 “Build your Community”

Forest of the Fallen Jody McKenzie-Smith was hard at it again last Saturday
Another Forest of the Fallen, this time at Short Point Merimbula, and given the day was the first real blast of winter Jody picked the ideal location in the lee of the wind and in full sun it was a magnet for the people and she had a great reception as well - and thanks to Thelma & Marc Clayton for their support, wonderful toilers that they are.
Flyer and news paper distribution, thanks to all involved in getting the stop the WHO flyers out to as many people as possible, it certainly has come to the attention of lots of people globally and many countries are now pushing back or being pressured to, hopefully our “clowns” will stop swinging their heads back and forth waiting for some one to put a ping pong ball in their mouths. Its time to digest some of those ping pong balls and wake up to what’s going on... So well done to all because without the public feeding them info they will be kept in the dark and fed BS.. Cross your fingers
Local Food News
Pambula Wholefoods are under new ownership by a lady - Sue, and her son Zac from Canberra, who are wide awake and are keen to support us in any way shape and form. Zac did attend our last Christmas shindig at Pambula beach, they are really decent people and don’t wear masks so you can be great with a smile, they have a similar range to Candelo bulk foods with mainly all organic but some local produce as well. They get their main fruit and Veg orders in on Tuesday mornings, so for fresh produce, that’s when to get it.
Otherwise for non-organic but no pesticides good quality fresh produce the Club Sapphire Merimbula community garden provides a great range available for sale on Sunday mornings between 9am & 11 on the old Bowling green out the back up top. Go check it out!
The Bega farmers market is a good option on Fridays at Littleton Gardens in Bega where there is lots of produce and the LET’S GrowFree marque will be at the next Candelo market first Sunday of the month - and don’t forget the Bega Food Share on the 1st Saturday of each month at Kisses Lagoon in Bega.
For those up north the Monday twighlight markets at Eco Narooma 27th May 4PM-6PM at ECOTel 4th Monday every month, Bring your produce and products for trading..
Also Fresh produce, Locavore boxes @ Narooma (pictured below) coordinated and produce purchased from the Sage markets in Moruya and put together and collated, distributed fortnightly by Ree Liddel and others $20-$30 dollars a box.... But wait there’s more...
Narooma Farmers Market operated by Carol Atkins & Hannah
@ Old RSL near kinema under dd Bodds gym
Bring your own vegie bags & veggies to share. Seedlings, clothes and health all under the one roof! Cash Only.. If you like this initiative share around.
Open Thursday & Friday each day 10am-12 & 4-6pm

No Potoroo this coming weekend as we are hosting Dr Judy Wilyman on Sunday the 16th June in 3 weeks.
FURTHER READING (PDF) "Critical Events" 20th May
This newsletter in PDF format
Garry's Take on Sunday (Narooma Lunch and beyond)