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Freedom of Truth news 2/1/25

With bated breath we are watching, waiting & anticipating...

So what is to unfold in 2025 ?If 2024 was anything to go by OMG lookout..

The Trumpster with RFK saddling up to be the Secretary of Health & Human Services (HHS) has caused a lot of angst among Big Pharma executives and investors, with Pfizer’s share prices dropping by 10% over night from that announcement.. Lots of lobbying has been going on to stop RFK from getting this gig as shock waves are reverberating around the pharmaceutical industry and beyond from his proposed appointment.

At a recent meeting between big Pharma chiefs and soon to be inaugurated president Trump and RFK Jnr, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla left after the meeting and declared nothing was going to change regarding vaccines and he was happy to work with RFK in his position in HHS. (business as usual) Hmm...

Bourla and others had up until then has been busily lobbying all Congress Senators to not support RFK as he is being mooted as a threat to the health of Americans and beyond..

RFK himself in recent interviews appeared to have back peddled from some of his strong claims made about vaccines being potential causes of autism...or calling out the Polio and other jabs as being harmful, by saying he didn’t want to stop anyone from getting vaccines but rather he wanted to review the science that went with them. Hmmm...

This sounds quite reasonable because if the science is carried out properly, it should reveal all and those that don’t stack up, would need to be withdrawn.. and under his charter as Secretary of Health & Human Services.. RFK would by law have the requirement to pull any vaccines that proved unsafe and ineffective based on passive and active surveillance data, which there is plenty of.

According to Karen Kingston in her interview with Greg Hunter there were various motives behind Trump and RFK’s meeting with these big pharma tycoons kingston.html

Albert Bourla and his crooked mates may have gone to the meeting exuding confidence but the reality is very different..

It has been identified by many legal eagle Attorney’s that Bourla and his cronies at Pfizer are liable for causing harm because they knew the jabs would poison, harm and kill people as the data has revealed, data that they wanted suppressed for 75 years.

The Covid 19 vaccine contracts as interpreted by many attorney’s has left them wide open because they have deceived and hidden evidence of these harms. So it is all within the contracts that they hold liability, and it is now being put in the hands of a government and a Secretary of the HHS who’s ambition is to bring down the house of cards.

So word is that they were told to back off on lobbying against RFK getting the gig for at least 1 month prior to inauguration, and in fact make statements where they are happy to work with him... And once he achieves his appointment he will call for the immediate voluntary withdrawal of all Covid 19 shots this will be his initial step... and this will be worldwide ... And then watch this space ... Sounds like a good positive story to start the year.

One way to observe its authenticity is to listen out for any negative talk about RFK in the lead up to his appointment on the pharma owned MSM.

Certainly seems to have gone quiet and makes sense with Bidens admin there was no chance of anyone calling this out but with the King of Anti vaxes at the helm...sure sounds good!

Legacy Media, Dinosaur Media, call it what you wish it’s going, going, gone, down the gurgler...

Thank God for freedom of speech and how important it is for a functional society. During this time of governments trying vehemently to shut down free speech there has never been so many independent journalists come to the fore, investigating and revealing so much incredible information about the corruption and underhandedness of our governments and their collaboration with the big end of town.

Who runs what and how... wow they had it so good for so long treating the public like plebs (mushroom treatment) keeping them in the dark and feeding everyone BS.

But wow what a phenomenon it is in contrast, having no end of wonderful independent journalists calling everything out honestly with integrity and substantiation ..much to the despair of the powers that shouldn’t be..

One such Journalist is Maryanne Demasi and she has just put a piece out summarising her efforts in the last year, she like many others has broken new levels of accomplishment, have a listen or read this short piece highlighting her achievements and what she has in store for us coming up... 2025

You will note at the end she references... “As 2025 begins, I am about to release a story that will blow the lid off the DNA contamination scandal. I guarantee it’s not one you’ll want to miss”.

Well ! I suggest everyone if you haven’t already get onto the Substack platform as this is where the cream of independent journalists are putting their stuff.

We as you know are gradually educating our councillors to the finer aspects of the DNA contamination issue and we are wanting them to stand up on behalf of the people and call for a halt to this diabolical situation, so the more that comes to the surface the easier it becomes, so I am watching waiting anticipating what this bombshell will be , but like us all nothing will surprise us.

Here is another outstanding piece of journalism written by a little known writer who is so succinct and hits the nail on every swing, goes as Gaz’s Substack

And of coarse Rebekah Barnett’s Dystopia down under is always incredibly well researched and revealing...with these and others putting the cards on the table we will win this battle and this year may well be ground breaking..

Here also is the recent letter from Katie Ashley Coppens to MP Russell Broadbent signed by 65 eminent doctors and scientists with their fingers on the pulse. Russell then forwarded it onto the Prime Minister and other relevant ministers, have a read of the full letter incredible disclosure

Journalism serves a huge purpose and is in safe hands and growing well if left alone..

Happy New Year..


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