Council elections
As you may or may not know we have upcoming local council elections in mid September and this provides us with a great opportunity to either field candidates or at the very least flesh out from those people who are putting their hands up as to what they know about the globalist agenda at play.
Are they aware of the UN agenda 21 & 2030, which our councils have signed up to... Are they convinced of manmade climate change?
And do they think inflicting massive costs on people with power & fuel is the answer to transitioning away from fossil fuel energy. Remembering that those who have least are always hardest hit.
Are they aware of and how do they feel about circular economy’s and smart city’s etc ?
Do they consider we are over regulated and our freedoms are continually being eroded as all levels of government attempt to take more control of peoples lives.
How do they plan on making the councils efficient and capable of dealing with the fundamentals like maintaining public infrastructure including roads and providing decent water supplies without toxic chemicals and environmental best practice sewerage treatment plants.
How do they plan on addressing the ongoing massive blowout in rates and the councils catchcry that it can’t afford to even do the basics and they needs more, more, more..
What do they think they could do to alleviate the affordable housing crisis ?
Do they think there are ways of enabling people to multi dwell on rural lands and encourage granny flats on houses in urban areas to help families to stay together looking after parents as they get older?
Do they think there could be zonings established regarding air B&B’s being allowed in certain area’s and other areas only long-term living as in permanent rental/living zones. To help stimulate more long-term rentals available.
Fielding Candidates
The reality is we are in very strong positions in all our shires to field candidates and quite possibly get them elected. In the Bega Valley Shire it is possible to get elected with only 1200 primary votes and topping that up with preferences to make up about 2000 overall votes is more than enough to get a spot.
The 1200 primary votes will come from all the freedom fighters in our shires and the preferences will come from those who just give you a tick as any number down the list... I really think people are looking for change more than ever before, the cost of living is outrageous and Councils costs and efficiencies are out of control, so as long as candidates flag they are looking to fix those issues they will pick up a lot of preferences.
This really is a great opportunity and it only comes around once every 4 years so for anyone who thinks they would like to throw their hat in the ring you have until the 14th August “I think” to nominate then the election is one month out from there 14th September. There has never been a more important time to make change.
I know we have three existing councillors in the Bega valley shire who are aware of the globalist agenda to a degree being David Porter, Mitchell Nadin and Karen Wright, I am not sure if Karen Wright is going to stand again but regardless getting someone in there rationally rattling the cage on all these issues will only encourage the others to support and start questioning the bureaucratic whitewashing that goes on.
I know Andrew Thaler and others up in the Snowy Monaro shire are looking like making some serious headway.. and in the Eurobodalla & Shoalhaven Shires hopefully there will be candidates also put their hands up.. Never been a better chance I would say “the natives are restless”
Below are some questions Lynden Ferris has posed in a letter to the editor of the BDN...he makes reference to the Yarra City Council in Melbourne where they are going to extreme levels of insanity in attempting to be a net zero shire and attempting to stop people within the shire from eating meat plus a whole lot of other measures in attempting to save the planet...here are some links to their climate emergency plans etc..

OMG from Lynden...
No wonder councils have to do rate variations.
Certainly! Let's analyse **Yarra City Council's** climate strategies in more detail: 1. **Vegetarian Diet**:
- Yarra City Council recommends residents switch to a **plant-based diet** to reduce emissions associated with animal products.
- This aligns with their goal of achieving net-zero emissions by 20351. 2. **Superannuation and Banking**:
- Yarra encourages residents to change their superannuation and banking to companies avoiding fossil fuel investments.
- By divesting from fossil fuels, individuals contribute to a more sustainable financial system1.
Remember that these strategies aim to address the climate emergency and create a safer, more equitable future for all. 2
Source: Conversation with Copilot, 11/07/2024
(1) Melbourne's Yarra City Council demands residents switch to plant-based diets to stop climate change. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13621593/Yarra-city-council- melbourne-vegetarian-climate-change.html
(2) Yarra City Council scales up ambition with its second Climate Emergency ....
(3) How Yarra is acting on the climate emergency | Yarra Libraries.
(4) Yarra Council taking climate action | Yarra City Council. https://www.yarracity.vic.gov.au/about-us/council-taking-climate-action.
(5) Yarra Council launches '5 Big Ways to Take Climate Action'.
Here are Lynden’s questions..
1. **"How can we make life more affordable for our community members?"**
Share your vision for easing financial pressures, whether through targeted programs, cost- saving measures, or collaboration with other agencies.
2. **"What steps will you take to ensure fair rates for homeowners and renters?"**
Transparency about rate decisions and exploring alternative revenue sources are essential. How will you balance fiscal responsibility with community needs?
3. **"How can we address the shortage of rental accommodation in the Bega Valley?"**
Let's discuss creative solutions, such as zoning changes, incentives for developers, or partnerships with housing organizations.
4. **"What's your plan to enhance infrastructure and services while managing costs?"**
Balancing service quality with affordability matters. Share your vision for maintaining and improving essential services within budget constraints.
5. **"How will you actively involve residents in decision-making processes?"**
Effective communication and community engagement are key. Describe your plans for town hall meetings, surveys, and feedback mechanisms.
6. **"Considering climate change, how will you reduce emissions and promote sustainability locally?"**
Inspired by Yarra City Council's strategies, share your vision for Bega Valley Shire Council's climate initiatives.
7. **"What improvements do you envision for waste management, road maintenance, and public spaces?"**
Let's explore sustainable development and community services that enhance our region.

Visit from Zac Kelly freedom fighter singer songwriter
Zac Kelly who is a very talented freedom fighter singer songwriter is doing an east coast tour looking to support freedom groups along the way...he is going to be in our area at the end of this month and is hoping to do some busking at a Forest of the Fallen display put on by Jody in Merimbula near the Waterfront Café on Saturday 27th July and then Zac will come to Potoroo on the Sunday to also sing a few songs at the Detox After Covid 19 & Thrive book launch for Wendy Daniel & Lee Clarke..
Zac is also going to be doing a performance at Narooma organised by Stina perhaps on the following Friday night ...but these are tentative arrangements and times and dates will be confirmed as we get closer.. Zac is looking for more gigs as moves up the coast so have a listen to some of his stuff and I’m sure you will taken by his songs
Have a listen to this awesome song about Forest of the Fallen created by group member Gary Carsen Jones - which is fantastic!!
Hydrogen power
And here from a member is some info about H2 Hydrogen cars being developed and trailed even on made by Toyota which will be performing in the 24 hr Le Mans https://www.hydrogenfuelnews.com/toyota-hydrogen-fuel-experiment/8565654/
From Rosco.. “As I have been banging on about for years......!! “
I believe H2 will be the future energy source for many of man's requirements moving forward in the 'Brave New World ' we are so keen to clean. Industry, heavy transportation, current motor vehicles, aviation, domestic cooking.... The lot can all be adapted to the clean and green H2.
H2 can be produced using any of the wind, solar, tidal pumped hydro or any other power generation source and stored as easy as LPG and or petrol, diesel or crewed oil.Rang, Filling up, Storage are all similar and doable with today technology.
The government will still get their need for 'Tax' appeased and big business will get their 'Pound of Flesh' from every litre sold.Not to mention the boys and girls of the Greens and Teals and Lefties and Rightists and whatever other mob there is out there will all be singing from a 'Good for Mankind' and 'Planet Earth' song sheet in unison.
Albeit, I'm sure they'll find a way to argue over the concept, just for the sake of being seen to be different and better than the other. Look at me, look at me, look at me type bullshit.
From another group member Paula Trezise
Here is a very easy to understand short interview description of how and why we are not even a sovereign nation. This a wealth of information in the simplest terms..
Australia, Canada & New Zealand Are Fake Nations Illegally Highjacked.
The interview confirms that former British colonies, Australia, New Zealand andCanada never actually achieved independence. World government is an extension of the "British Empire" and independence would have been a step in the wrong direction. So they faked it.This means that the laws, corporations and currencies of these countries have no legal foundation, and that the governments do not represent the people, nor are they in a position to defend their interests.
Australian Whistleblower: Australia, Canada & New Zealand Are Fake Nations Illegally Highjacked. (rumble.com)
Just a reminder: Next Narooma combined group meeting & luncheon is coming up on Sunday 21 July Narooma Golf Club
12.00 for people wishing to have lunch 1.00 sharp start of meeting to accommodate people who have travelled far. We are going to hold more rigid style meeting where everybody who wants to is encouraged to speak as we do not want to inhibit anyone offering their ideas or thoughts, but it has been agreed by those organizing that we will not tolerate personal criticism or attacks.. purely playing the ball and not the man is welcomed. Please advise Marilyn as soon as possible – marilyn@expandingabundance.com or 02 44721835 of your attendance so that she can book the appropriate room for the numbers.