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Freedom of Truth new Update 10/2/23

Candelo Markets were a great success last Sunday with a lot of support from group members attending and quite a few vaccine injured people revealing their tragic stories and appreciating having us there for support….We had a well known local Merimbula couple reveal how they had just woken up since Christmas and they are absolutely gobsmacked as to what is going on…the lady told me she was a channeller and had received a message to look at a particular David Ike video…after that they are aghast at what is happening and have been deep diving every since…

The market revealed a lot of awake people and lots of people who are concerned about the globalist agenda…was very empowering and satisfying to be a presence trying to help awaken those who are questioning things,

This Sunday we have the Pambula Market on from 7;30 and are looking for support again…it really make a difference having numbers…thanks to those who attended last week

Australia exits the

We had a zoom meeting last Tuesday with a group that was referred to us by Michael from Cafe Locked out… they are a very strong network of people from all over country working with James Roguski from the US to create a worldwide army of awareness about the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations that 192 countries are signed up to…basically one of the amendments is to take the WHO from and advisory body to an authority that can impose unbelievable controls over every man woman & child even when they only suspect something may have the potential to become a pandemic …OMG these amendments must be stopped …public awareness is a must…the politicians don’t understand the consequences of these amendments…

Click on the links below and have a look at what’s going on and become a part of our army to send off letters to Politicians and also there are flyers to print off and hand around and videos explaining what we can do….also a very good slant for the markets

Last year the WHO tried to introduce a Treaty that would enshrine similar powers to these amendments but that was rejected by a some of the African countries …but since then they have changed tack and put the focus on making the required amendment to the International Health Regulations which only requires a majority of the 192 countries to support….They are determined but the world’s waking up and we need to do our bit to awaken both the people and the politicians…

My Place Australia are also a fantastic networking group who are rapidly popping up all over Australia… they doing what we’re doing but are creating a broad network across Australia…. We are joining the network as My Place Sapphire Coast the founder Darren Bergwerf had started one locally as MY Place Merimbula but after discussing it with him he agreed to change the name to Sapphire Coast as it encompasses most of our area…

Have a look at there website and join their Facebook page…they are really kicking some goals with thousands joining from all over….he has just timed it perfectly as networking is needed and is going to add a lot of strength to our and everyone’s arm…

They hold Zoom meetings every Tuesday evening, one for Strategy and then on the following week for Actions. They are building a full network of hubs eg Health and Well-being, Food production and sourcing, Alternate Schooling, Local Government committee, Strategic planning committee…much like us,

For us being within a network will allow us to coordinate and share resources and plan things to happen simultaneously across regions…they want to develop their own abattoir and develop fabric and garment manufacturing plus their own News network …like wow no wonder people are interested

Australia Exits The WHO (

It's time to exit the WHO

Bega Food Share

The Bega food share was another great success last Saturday with lots of people turning up and lots on offer, so successful it was that Rian and her group have decided to do it twice a month, so it will be on again not tomorrow but the following Saturday 18th…


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