Freedom of Truth Media release 21/9/22
Magnificant Merimbula lake.... "the mountain and the sky"
Planting time....
The temperature according to the green thumbs is right for getting the warmer crops into the ground, so we are looking to head to Mick & Laura's place not this weekend but the following weekend (Saturday 1st Oct) for a plant out....we are calling on those who want to be a part of this garden to think about what they would like to grow ...get organised, get some seeds and or seedlings and come along and get your own patch happening we will have a communal patch as well but having your own patch gives ownership and freedom to grow what you want...if you are a bit uncertain as to what is best to grow speak to one of our our green thumb experts such as Jenny who has a lifetime of knowledge in market gardening, Mick and Laura are also very well versed as is Rian and i am sure there are many more so plenty of green thumbers to guide you along...Shall give more detail in next weeks release regarding times etc
Potoroo this weekend...
Bega Valley LETS system
We are having our monthly Potoroo gig this Sunday starting at 11am and this time we are privileged in having a presentation from Kim Mogridge who is the man behind the Bega Valley LETS scheme ...LETS is an acronym for Local Exchange Trading System. LETS operate throughout the world. They are a means of formalising non monetary trading of goods and services at the local community level. LETS systems helps you to engage with like minded community members and access a network of friendly, generous, caring people who value trading locally in just about anything..
Bega Valley Lets is a way of paying for things without using dollars. A sort of barter system that uses a local money called Sapphs. Started 1989. The Bega Valley Local Exchange Trading System (BVLets) is one of a worldwide network of complementary trading systems, the BVLets member community exchanges a wide variety of goods and services using a local currency called a Sapph. (short for Sapphire derived from Sapphire Coast). BVLets uses an online "banking" system that allows you to access your Account, trade & upload Offers & Requests...
Have a look at the way it works with the link below and be ready to ask Kim any questions you may have....this certainly looks like something that we can use as an alternative for trading , purchasing and providing services...breaking free from the mainstream money and control system[0]=AT2vAdpjJHCYactigFa08LQlYXsCNw-gqj2Y4cDYzxjQmGhTcd9YKjFhUVkaDGCPJQwzlMyq8stRyg-PDSNG-yiODqJZ3tleszLJdf2gD_ZAepbakTb-SZ4fur2dD-k_zJZ28OMgneJK0fJDtTBJ8ol3QletNnbGDh7Dh9QFCwyTYZcrSP-K0aOv9nJSy3XESs6Uc8Cu3g
Also this Sunday Dinah Facius will also be addressing the group...Dinah has been studying up on the Magna Carta 1215 and our rights via the Voice of Freedom group website ....where Carl Liebold who is very well versed on our rights and also setting up of Trusts to protect our rights is showing interest in coming down our way and addressing our group is a link to a resent live that Carl did and there is potential for anyone to tune into a live tonight Wednesday where they will be talking with Darren Birgworth from Victoria about forming Community Councils and People's Trusts that are up and running in SA Vic & ACT so far ...
New Pamphlets
Attached below are our latest pamphlets that have been put together mainly by Linda Eather & Rian, Linda created our original Millions march brochure that we letterbox dropped throughout the region....this time the focus as previously stated is on The Great Reset & Agenda 2030 etc ...have a look at it I am sure you'll think it is great...we are planning on handing them out at the markets and any street gathering's we do...we would like to do another letterbox drop...but at the moment we are very under resourced to pay for printing costs...Last time we got 10,000 done it was $850.....we also are wanting to upgrade some of our placards and possibly even re-do the trailer signs but unfortunately it seems our wonderful sign and placard printer is no more as their printing machine has broken down and there is no-one to repair it anymore...So we are likely to have to pay a full toll for this gear which until now we haven't thanks to our wonderful silent helper.. so this is a plea for some financial help so we can keep things rolling....if you can help.. the bank account details are as follows Bendigo Bank BSB 633-000 Acc 188425847 PLEASE when making deposit highlight your name and FOT Help so we can identify that the money is specifically for these purposes and who has donated...many thanks
Message from a member
"I've been noticing how many disability & elderly (homecare & nursing home) jobs are available on the online job sites. They seem to be extremely desperate for triple vaxxed staff but can't get any...LOL
I was thinking, maybe with all the connections of this group, we can create a network of people who need or can provide support...I have no idea if this something that is needed within this group and their wider circle of family and friends. Maybe you can mention it in one of your newsletters and see if there is any interest in this.
Just an idea."
Also attached is some further info i received regarding the Magical Mineral Solution....for those who are taking their health into there own hands and are using MMS....this information gives more clarity of the benefits and best usage protocols
"I am getting some great feedback from people that are taking MMS and healing many long standing health issues which is really great news and very encouraging.
I have also had feedback from some that they have had severe healing reaction and it's made them stop taking MMS,
which is a shame as working through this time by dropping back the dosage is actually the key.
So with that in mind I have put another document together that has all things MMS
I have discovered a Website that is dedicated to all things MMS. Health Revolution Solution
A great website which also has many video's testimonials and solutions to all the issues around starting MMS and detoxifying the body and what to do if running into problems
There is also a telegram group that is linked to the website and people can ask questions and find solutions.
I have included on the document one of the video's from the Health Revolution Solution as it has a wealth of info just in that one video.
Hope all this helps with the journey of using MMS"