Health Practitioners
Sea:Air Therapy Spa
Therapeutic modalities to help you and your family in your health and wellness journey.
Your body is a wonderful complex and sophisticated system . It grows into balance, it heals itself, it maintains itself. Doctors cant heal you, practitioners cant heal you - they can only help to set your body up so it can heal and balance itself!

So why are people ill? Generally 3 reasons - an accident or injury, a deficiency of a vital nutrient or a toxification of unhelpful or detrimental substances. Wellbeing is a state of health and vitality where the body functions optimally in all its ways, the mind is clear, and calm, and emotions are expressive but not overwhelming. So how does the body balance and self regulate? Every one of our 30 trillion cells needs proper nourishment, a proper electromagnetic field, and proper waste disposal. And the normal Western diet and lifestyle generally does not provide these three. Food nutritional profiles in supermarket produce have plummeted in the past 80 years, and deficiency diseases are often rebranded and treated by artificial pharmaceuticals. Wifi, cell phones, and wearables change our natural electromagnetism into stress patterns which drain our energy, compromise digestion, sleep, peace of mind. Our biggest waste disposal organs, the liver and skin are overloaded and exhausted. The cells dump their waste into the lymphatic system, but the body is unable to discharge it. You clean your home, your car, your clothes but are unable to clean your body. And ‘forever chemicals’, pesticides, artificial perfumes and additives come into daily contact with the skin, the digestion, the lungs, and are absorbed. A great support for a happy, active and successful life are actions and practices which encourage all our own natural daily healing systems Deep sleep; a relaxed body and quiet mind Optimal circulation - taking nutrients to the cells Enhanced lymphatic drainage - removing and excreting waste. Structured water full of vital lifeforce Strength, flexibility, bone density, full range of movement, balance, posture Earthing/grounding - discharging excess EMF into the earth and maintaining Schumann resonance in every cell. Full breathing Sea:Air Therapie Spa offers: *Salt breathing therapy to cleanse and enhance lung function. Regular salt therapy also enhances skin health and calms and quiets the mind. *Whole body vibration - enhances lymphatics, strengthens bones, improves balance, increases energy, weight loss *Chi machine - passive lymphatic drainage, spine mobility, weight loss and energy boost *Compression therapy - circulation, cellulite, energy, passive lymphatic drainage *Pulsed electromagnetic frequency- micro circulation especially good when circulation is compromised ie diabetes. **Biophotomodulation, Red light and infrared therapy - light and heat in the red spectrum has been shown to improve health and wellbeing in many measureable ways. **Microcurrent, non surgical face and body lift Improves skin tone, sun damage, wrinkles; lifts and plumps the face, returning it to its youthful state. Boosts energy in the facial tissue which you will definitely feel after your first treatment. Body treatments include bust, bum, upper arms, belly. **Therapeutic yoga can restore range of movement even in compromised joints. Regular practice can help you manage and decrease your stress levels, improve breathing, posture, positive self talk, body positivity, flexibility and strength. **Breathwork training to increase lung capacity inducing relaxation, encouraging full digestion and healing at a cellular level. **Sound therapy to calm the body and clear the mind. Gently releasing long held stresses, emotional blocks and even physical trauma. **Flower essence consultations pinpoint specific plants that may assist in rebalancing the emotions and habitual mind patterns and allow you to master your own mental health, knee jerk reactions and out of control behaviours. *Audiovisual stimulation is a curated meditation technique designed to up or down regulate energy vs relaxation and has been shown to improve concentration ,imagination, sleep quality as well as help with jetlag, and shiftwork disregulation. *Therapies are offered within a Club Environment. **Therapies are priced separately and can be booked following a consultation. Regular club members are welcome to sit and chat overlooking the ocean, and enjoy herb teas and other refreshments. Structured water is also available with therapies and at classes. Or you can enjoy the view while you watch selected videos about our modalities and associated topics, to help you understand and make good choices regarding your health journey. Club memberships includes 30, 60, 120, 240 minutes per fortnight which can be taken using any one * modality or a mix. Fortnight passes can be purchased in batches or auto payment through your bank account. Yoga and breathwork classes and sound therapy sessions are scheduled and are not included in all memberships.
Located in Tura Beach, NSW.
Please contact Dean on 0498 751 460 for more information, or to book in.
Dianna Gleeson
Reiki teacher, yoga teacher, body and breath practitioner
Through Yoga, I am delighted to take you to wherever your heart’s desire lies; coaxing you breath by breath as you slowly build the fire and ignite deep within, ready to glow and shine.

About Dianna The Accidental Teacher. Diana’s early career was a medical receptionist, later a dental nurse, accounting clerk, QA officer & secretary, Mother of three. Diana’s ‘Esoteric’ journey began in 2002, following the death of her father, seeking answers to her ‘why’s from the universe. Ever the perpetual student, she wanted more, so from then to 2015 She studied many modalities including yoga, where her transformation began. Diana met Ingrid at BodyMindLife Yoga Studio in Sydney. “It’s by her grace that I learnt to breathe and how the breath gave me so much more movement.” Diana then entered into Teacher Training with Beth Borowski of Karma Kids plus she attended several Master Classes with Ana Forrest… one day during lunch break, she told Ana that she didn’t really want to teach, she simply wanted to know the secrets of the universe. “Ana looked at me, the way only Ana can and said “you might accidentally find yourself teaching one day” tells Diana. She also completed 200hour teacher training with The Joy of Yoga in 2015 and quickly launched into teaching from, infants to teenagers & seniors and in the wider community for the next few years. It wasn’t that long ago, the Perpetual student, during a yoga Body Work Workshop with Jambo Truong and whilst cocooned in that sacred space of learning, her meditation practice left her sitting up and speaking out loud “I am moving to Merimbula!” Having never been here before it was an act of faith and her burning desire to explore Forrest Yoga even more. Diana is The Perpetual Student. Under the tuition of Jambo Truong, she is completing her Forrest Yoga Teacher Training, having commenced earlier this year and at the same time studying The Origin of Movement, another course with Jambo. Other Qualifications & Certifications Vibrational Kinesiology, Level 2 | Maxwell Dobson Advanced training with Doreen Virtue | Angelic Workshops Master Teacher of Reiki, Level 7B | 2012 Meditation Training, 2014 | Sindar Kaur Specialised Dementia Carer, Cert IV | 2014 Karma Kids Teacher Training, 2014 | Beth Borowski Yoga Teacher Training, 2015 | Marianne Bryant Physical Fitness Cert IV | 2019
email: dianne.glesson7@bigpond.com
ph: 0409 904 213
Rian Smith
BHSc- Naturopathic Practitioner
I am a Clinical Naturopath, Nutritionist and certified Functional Medicine Health Coach. The healthcare paradigm is currently undergoing a major transition, we are moving away from practitioner as authority to a model that puts the patient at the centre of their healing experience, and also recognises that they know what they need in order to heal. My role is to facilitate, recognise and nurture the inner healer that is within us all.

About Rian I love what I do; working side by side with my patients, supporting change and improving vitality is so satisfying. I also know first hand what it is like to struggle with poor health, chronic medical conditions, big stress and complex emotional issues. I believe these have taught me a lot about how to improve (mine and others) health. To find out more about my services visit www.healthexpressions.com.au
Merimbula Health
2 Naturopaths available
The Bega Valley's most comprehensive Health Food Shop, with 2 consulting Naturopaths, providing a wide range of products for your health and wellbeing:
Vitamin and mineral supplements and herbs. Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Grain Free, Sugar Free and Organic food and snack options. A huge range of Organic herbal Teas.

More About Merimbula Health We stock natural, non toxic cosmetics, skin and hair care, sunscreen, cleaning products, drink bottles and containers, water filters and more. Plus natural products to support the health and wellbeing of your children. Our stocks include Essential Oils, Vibrational Essences (Bach Flower and Australian Bush Flower Essences), Homeoeopathics Remedies Smudge sticks and natural herbal incense. Gift vouchers are available. Merimbula Health have staff many years of experience, and 2 Naturopaths are available to advise on products. One of the Naturopaths (Kathy Stokes) is now giving consultations on site. )pen 6 days a week
Merimbula Health Foods
Shop 2, 6 Merimbula Drive, Merimbula NSW 2548
ph: 0491 028 133
South Coast PEMF Therapy
Energy Technology Healing
South Coast PEMF Therapy offers the latest in energy medicine technology. Our class 2 medical iMRS device delivers Pulsed Electromagnetic fields, & far infrared therapy simultaneously. Re-energising & healing your whole body.

More About PEMF Therapy.. HOW DOES PULSED ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD (PEMF) THERAPY WORK? 🌍 1. Electromagnetic Pulses : PEMF devices emit electromagnetic pulses at specific frequencies and intensities. These pulses penetrate the body and interact with tissues at a cellular level. 2. Cellular interaction: The fields generated by PEMF therapy create small electrical currents within the tissues. These currents influence cellular behaviour by affecting ion channels and cellular membranes. 3. Improved cellular function: By influencing cellular activity, PEMF therapy can enhance various cellular functions, including: ⭐️ Increased blood flow: Improved circulation helps deliver more oxygen and nutrients to tissues, promoting healing. ⭐️ Reduced inflammation: PEMF therapy is effective at reducing inflammation. ⭐️ Pain Relief: The therapy can alleviate pain by reducing inflammation and modulating the pain signals produced by our bodies. ⭐️ Tissue repair and regeneration: PEMF therapy promotes the repair and regeneration of damaged tissues, aiding in faster recovery from injuries, and healing of wounds. PEMF therapy has also been shown to improve blood circulation and oxygenation, which are crucial for maintaining a healthy heart. By enhancing vascular function and reducing inflammation, PEMF therapy can help manage or prevent various heart conditions, including hypertension, atherosclerosis, and coronary artery disease. A full body therapy session takes around 1/2 an hour and includes far infrared treatment, a safe form of light therapy that deeply penetrates and warms the tissues of the body and aids in pain relief. Prices range from $25 - $45